Thursday 14 January 2010

today: the garden

I’m filled with roses


lilac fuchsia
snowdrop bluebells

a memory of those flowers

a memory of
my brother
I looked up to him
there was a birdcage a stork dove water round
cleaned out and painted
in Manchester I can remember good times

not the weeding
not the daffodils

I don’t forget
granddaughter swimming, memories

such good fun in the war
all them bits that were fired up
red hot in a can take it back in a biscuit tin
10 shilling for the lot

Strines Rd Marple
walking down
to school

never been back you’ve got to
look forwards
I’ll always do that

to the shelter underground rocks
school from Stockport from Cheadle
our bus fare for food
back to the family 3 sons and a daughter

I’m filled with the feeling
being upside down

a number of various
I can remember it all
saying it that’s a different thing.

Victor Richardson, Joyce Knibs, Tom Dolan, Victor Richardson, Dorothy
(+ William Carlos Williams – from Asphodel, That Greeny Flower)
November 2009

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