Wednesday 2 September 2009

"A bookful of things you're left wondering."

Today I ran a morning session, moving chair to chair, bed to bed. Working this way loses the group dynamism, but gains intimacy. Sometimes the people who are quietest in groups are the most open one to one. There are little glimmering insights that lead right to the heart of people's lives.

One such moment occurred today, in a conversation with a lady who is normally very quiet. She is unsure of her own speaking, the use of words sometimes baffles her. But this lack of certainty makes her lucid in a different way. She was talking about old age:

"People expect you to live the same time again and it doesn't give you time to live now. The time it happened, your reflexes were different but now people expect you to have the same feel. Your body reacts differently, you are not capable of dealing with that response...

Your body reacts to time and place. The body is accepting, whereas your mind is elsewhere losing the day-to-day, instead of developing what's within. Your body absorbs feeling, real life itself. "

This was said with great humbleness, a distrust of her own mind, of her own idea of herself.

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